
Chainsaw Maintenance

A friend of mine recently started an apprenticeship as a tree surgeon.   The night before he was due to begin he told us of his excitement.  His zeal was evident, and no one would stop him from fulfilling his dream of causing some serious chainsaw inflicted damage to some of Mother Nature’s finest.  Upon his return home after his first day of work, however, he appeared somewhat dejected.  It transpired that his entire first day (and there would be more to follow) was spent learning how to properly maintain his saw.  

We want to play our own part in all the amazing work going on in our area by helping you go from good to being great at what you do.

At Core Insights we spotted a need.  So often we saw that there were charities and CICs with tonnes of data and information, but no time to look at their processes and reporting systems or the expertise needed to make changes to this or the time to do it. These organisations were doing amazing work, but were often so focused on the task in front of them that they did not have the time or resources to maintain and sharpen their saw and make sure they were getting as much impact as they could from the work they were putting in.  In the same way that a tree surgeon will spend maximum effort for minimal gains if they use a blunt saw, organisations without effective systems could be minimizing their impact. 

Whatever your need is we want what’s best for you. Because we’re driven by this principle we’re not profit driven and we don’t want you to be reliant on us.

We noticed that there was no one providing professional analysis and insight services affordably and specifically aimed at charities and CICs, organisations often in great need of such services which could greatly improve the way they measure their social impact, but lacking funds to go to larger scale organisations for assistance. 

What sets us apart from larger organisations is our specific focus on work with organisations in the voluntary sector, allowing for real flexibility when it comes to cost.  We are also focused on the greater Bristol area, having worked with organisations such as One25 and Bristol Together, who are making a massive difference in our city.  For example, with one organisation we helped with some database work which enabled them to reclaim a backlog of giftaid worth £270k, at a cost of just £600 to the organisation.  

Your organisation may need to implement or improve its database systems, create an annual report which shows evidence of their impact or implement new processes and systems. Whatever your need is we want what’s best for you.  Because we’re driven by this principle we’re not profit driven and we don’t want you to be reliant on us.  We want to teach you to sharpen your own saw, which is why we love to train, resource and upskill your staff, so that your impact is widened.  We want to play our own part in all the amazing work going on in our area by helping you go from good to being great at what you do.